By His Grace

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained [prepared] that we should walk in them." ~ Eph 2:8-10 KJV ~ God is preparing you for a work. God has prepared a work for you.

Location: Southern California, United States

After being born again in June of 1979 the Lord led me to a small home study where time in the Word (at least 2 1/2 hours a day) was strongly encouraged. During the early and mid 80's I served part and full time with a ministry in Anaheim, Ca working with the homeless, bikers, low riders, those in prision and just getting out and the average Joe. During this time of "doing the Word" God started putting missions on my heart and I spent a few years in Central America and Southern Mexico doing mission work there. During my time there God patiently brought me to an understanding of Grace that I hope to share effectively with you here. I am now busy raising a family and being active in my local church body. In God's timing I believe my wife and I will return to full time ministry.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Purpose of this Blog - Read First

Note: This is the 1st post in a series on Grace that should be read in the following order:

1 Purpose of this Blog
2 Grace Defined - Part One
3 Grace Defined - Part Two
4 Grace operates through Faith - Faith Defined
5 Faith comes by hearing
6 Faith comes by hearing - Time alone with God
7 ...and hearing by the Word of God - Part One
8 ...and hearing by the Word of God - Part Two

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Over the years it has become apparent to me through the study of the Word, the operation of God's Grace in my life and observing those called Christians in numerous congregations in a number of different countries, that many seekers of God and those in the Body of Christ do not have a clear understanding of the practical workings of God's Grace.

Often I will hear Grace defined as "God's riches at Christ's expense" or "unmerited favor". But what do these mean in a practical sense? What is the purpose of God's Grace in my life as a believer in Jesus Christ? How does it operate? Does God's Word instruct me on how I might grow in Grace?

Yes, the Bible most certainly does give us instruction in this most important principle. Yet many do not grasp or even have a clue what it really means to them to walk in Grace day by day.

This is evidenced in the extreme by many Christians and "so-called" Christians that proclaim, "It's ok if I sin, I am saved by Grace!" While the second half of their statement is true, the first half is in fact the exact opposite and antithesis of what God's Word tells us about the subject. In fact, as we shall see in the weeks and months to come, Grace condemns sin in the life of the believer and removes any and all excuses for it.

It is my fervent prayer that, by His Will, this blog will encourage and exhort those who call upon the name of Jesus to a stonger, deeper, more effectual faith with the Creator of heaven and earth, equipping you for the service that He is calling you to.

At the top of this blog you will see Ephesians Chapter 2, versus 8-10 quoted. Please take a moment to read them.

I believe these verses cover the life of the believer from beginning until the Lord takes us home.

We are indeed saved by Grace. We will explore what Grace is and how we have/can be saved by it.

Grace does operate through Faith. We will spend much time on what Faith is, how we can have more of it and how our Faith allows the Grace of God to operate in our lives, moment by moment.

God is preparing you for a work and He has prepared a work for you. But the only way you can walk in that work, is to walk by Grace. This is where the rubber meets the road. The call of God upon your life. Will you answer that call? How can you know what that work is? How can you possibly hope to accomplish what God is calling you to do?

Hebrews 12:28 says:

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:" (KJV ~ emphasis mine)

Please visit often. There is much more to come.

By His Grace,


Note: All scripture quotes in this blog will be from the King James Version unless otherwise noted. All emphisis (bold & italics) are mine.


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